General Recommendations for Skin Health

Undoubtedly, devoting enough time during the day and night to skin care and using the right creams can help maintain the health and freshness of the skin. However, for those who do not have enough time and money for this type of care or do not believe in using special skin creams, there are useful general recommendations that can slow down the natural aging process of the skin and avoid problems. Prevent different skin types. In this article, we mention some of these recommendations.

Protect your skin from the sun: Perhaps the most important cause of skin aging is the ultraviolet (UV) rays in sunlight. This radiation can destroy the collagen layer of the skin, cause wrinkles, create brown skin spots and of course skin cancer. For this purpose, it is necessary to protect parts of the skin such as face, neck and hands that are usually exposed to sunlight with sunscreen cream and lotion with SPF of at least 15 or more. The protective power of sunscreens usually decreases after three to four hours. So, for example, if you applied sunscreen early in the morning and left the house, if you are exposed to sunlight at noon, you should reapply sunscreen. Note that the strongest sunlight during the day is between ten in the morning and four in the afternoon. Therefore, renewing sunscreen at noon becomes doubly important. During these hours, it is recommended to avoid walking, especially with short-sleeved clothes and shorts, and if necessary, use a hat and clothes with adequate coverage. Ultraviolet rays are also emitted from the screen of monitors, especially if they do not meet the necessary standards. So it is better to make sure that your monitor emits the least amount of radiation and otherwise use separate protectors that are placed in front of the screen.

Do not smoke: Smoking causes the skin to age, lose its freshness and increase wrinkles. Smoking narrows the very tiny blood vessels that nourish the skin and reduces blood supply to the skin. As a result, less oxygen and substances needed to nourish and regenerate the skin reach it. On the other hand, smoking destroys collagen and elastin proteins of the skin, which maintain the consistency and elasticity of the skin like a scaffold. Destruction of this layer of skin causes sagging and increased wrinkles. In addition to all these, smoking can also increase the risk of skin and lip cancer.

Be gentle with your skin: Do not use very hot water to wash your skin daily. Bathing for a long time, using very hot water and using very strong soaps and detergents will remove the skin’s natural fat and dry the skin. Use warm water and mild detergents to wash the skin. If your skin is dry, use a suitable moisturizer. Use a moisturizer with sunscreen in the morning and before leaving the house. Do not dry your face and body too much after washing and bathing. Let some moisture remain on the skin. A towel is more suitable for drying the skin than a handkerchief. Elderly people, if they need to bathe daily, should not exfoliate their body every day, because their skin oil is much less than when they were young, and this causes dry skin and sometimes causes eczema. Elderly people with dry skin can wash only the areas that sweat with detergent to avoid bad smell and wash the rest of the body with water only. Men should preferably use special gels before shaving and shave the hair in the direction of their growth (and not in the opposite direction).

Eat a healthy diet: Diets rich in vegetables, fruits, and healthy oils (such as olive oil and omega-3 fatty acids found in fish) contain vitamins and antioxidants that can neutralize the effects of harmful chemicals called free radicals. Neutralize and slow down the natural aging process of the skin. By following this diet and drinking more water, you can have fresher skin and reduce the risk of skin cancer.

Get enough sleep, exercise and control stress: lack of sleep is one of the important factors of skin damage, both short-term and long-term. Adequate sleep and exercise are the secrets of the skin of some elderly people. Exercise increases the blood supply to the skin, perspiration of the skin and the removal of harmful substances from it and the freshness of the skin. High stress causes free radicals, cell death and skin aging. Manage your stress in any way possible. Exercise can also help reduce stress.

Do not sleep or exercise with makeup: The skin needs to breathe at night, and makeup prevents this. Use a gentle makeup remover to remove makeup and then wash the skin with lukewarm water. Remove your makeup before exercising, because cosmetics prevent the natural breathing of the skin during exercise and remove harmful substances from the skin, and may cause pimples and acne in susceptible people. Use scrubs once a week in the bathroom.

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